Pure Desire Podcast

355 - Porn & Mental Health

Episode Summary

The term “mental health” can be fuzzy. Are we talking about anxiety? Depression? Something more? All of the above?  Ben Bennett joins us today to talk about the connection between viewing pornography and mental health issues. Ben speaks of porn’s role in his personal battle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations and how recovery impacts our mental health, our faith in Jesus, and our ability to follow Him.

Episode Notes

The term “mental health” can be fuzzy. Are we talking about anxiety? Depression? Something more? All of the above? 

Ben Bennett joins us today to talk about the connection between viewing pornography and mental health issues. Ben speaks of porn’s role in his personal battle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations and how recovery impacts our mental health, our faith in Jesus, and our ability to follow Him.


Full Episode Video (YouTube)


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