Pure Desire Podcast

357 - Healthy Separation

Episode Summary

“Separation” is usually a swear word for church folk. This is understandable when it’s done wrong. But separation can actually be a healthy tool used for the restoration of a marriage. Today, we’re joined by a Pure Desire Clinician, Eileen Fagan, who defines a healthy or “therapeutic” separation and the benefits it can give a struggling couple. We talk through natural hesitations or fears with marital separation, when NOT to separate, and the importance of professional help and support in marital separations.

Episode Notes

“Separation” is usually a swear word for church folk. 

This is understandable when it’s done wrong. But separation can actually be a healthy tool used for the restoration of a marriage. 

Today, we’re joined by a Pure Desire Clinician, Eileen Fagan, who defines a healthy or “therapeutic” separation and the benefits it can give a struggling couple. We talk through natural hesitations or fears with marital separation, when NOT to separate, and the importance of professional help and support in marital separations. 


Full Episode Video (YouTube)

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